Yearly Screenings Are Important
Take charge of your health with yearly PAH screening. People with scleroderma can develop PAH at any time, so experts* recommend a yearly screening.
*Recommendations for yearly PAH screening of people with systemic sclerosis are included in the 2022 European Society of Cardiology/European Respiratory Society Guidelines.
Types of Screening Tests
There are a few standard tests that your doctor can use to check if you might have PAH associated with scleroderma. These screening tests are minimally invasive and can provide clues about PAH.
Lung function tests
Breathing tests that measure how much air your lungs can hold, how well they move air, and how well they supply your body with oxygen
Blood tests
Markers in your blood that may show whether your heart is working properly
Heart ultrasound
An echocardiogram is an ultrasound scan that shows how well your heart is beating and pumping blood. It helps your rheumatologist get a picture of your whole heart, including the right chambers
Confirming a PAH Diagnosis
The screening tests above can help show that you might have PAH. In order to confirm a PAH diagnosis, a test called right heart catheterization is required. Your rheumatologist may order a right heart catheterization if other tests suggest you might have PAH.
Have Questions About PAH?
See some of the most commonly asked questions about scleroderma and PAH.
Hear Catherine's Story
Catherine had been living with scleroderma since 2015. What she did not know was that she was also living with PAH.