What Is Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension?

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PAH: Scleroderma and Its Effect on Your Lungs

  • Systemic sclerosis is not just a skin condition. It can also cause serious lung problems such as pulmonary arterial hypertension, or PAH for short
  • PAH is a disease of high blood pressure in the lungs. It can happen in people with different connective tissue diseases, but PAH is most common in people with scleroderma
  • Although scleroderma and PAH are 2 separate conditions, inflammation may play an important role in both. Scleroderma can cause inflammation, which may then increase your chances of developing PAH

Signs and Symptoms of PAH

Noticeable signs of PAH may start out mild but can get worse over time. They include:

Symptoms and signs of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)


Shortness of breath

Chest pain

Swelling of the ankles or
legs (also called edema)


Constant tiredness

Swelling of the abdomen
(also called edema)

Constant tiredness
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Swelling of the abdomen
(also called edema)
Swelling of the ankles or legs
(also called edema)
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Some signs of PAH are hidden, so you may not see or feel them

Blood work, lung function tests, or an ultrasound of your heart can show signs of PAH and the need for diagnostic testing.

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People with PAH may have different signs and symptoms. That is why it is important to talk to your rheumatologist about screening for PAH.

Track how you are feeling

Are changes in how you feel being caused by scleroderma, PAH associated with scleroderma, or something else?

It can be difficult to tell, but tracking how you feel every day can help you discuss your health with your healthcare team.

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Take Charge of Your Health

If you have scleroderma, experts recommend yearly screening for PAH.*

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See some of the most commonly asked questions about scleroderma and PAH.

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*Recommendations for yearly PAH screening of people with systemic sclerosis are included in the 2022 European Society of Cardiology/European Respiratory Society Guidelines.